Rebash T.O. - First Show of Many

This past Spring I attended a show called Rebash and it was soooo adorable. It peaked my interest because it was advertised "A different kind of wedding show" what could make it so different if it's all about weddings? I've been to shows before in the past, and walked out feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things needed to have a wedding in the first place... also glad I wasn't the one getting married at the time since it was also sooooo expensive. So after visiting the Rebash Website, I was really interested. It seems to gear itself towards people looking for more handcrafted wedding designs, props, decorations and food. It was great to see an event start up that catered towards the handmade creative industry. I thought to myself it would be very hard to break into some of the other bridal shows that are held around Toronto, especially being a small business. This would be the PERFECT start. So I went...

Going as a visitor was fun. It was intimate, everyone was so friendly and you could see and feel the level of detail that went into the show and every item each company made. It was definitely a place you could go as a bride to find that unique piece that no one else would have at their wedding. Going as a potential vendor was inspiring. I met some amazing and talented business owners who had awesome advice they were more than happy to give, and could see first hand what a little nudge in the right direction to start a business can do. This really gave me that last push to get things going and start my business. I'm so happy to have found this show and will be attending the next one hopefully as a vendor, but if not, I will be going for even more inspiration. So much work goes into a business, and even more to attend a show. I am very impressed with all the vendors that were there. I am working hard to be a part of them soon.

wink ;)


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